So why did the Obama administration put her forward in the first place? On Sunday's front page Times reporter Mark Landler defends UN Ambassador Susan Rice, under fire for false statements on ...
Barack Obama on Wednesday submitted to his first press conference since March. Some of the White House journalists didn't seem to hold the long wait against him, however. One reporter, Christi ...
The New York Times certainly leaned "Forward!" for Barack Obama's reelection in its campaign coverage over the weekend, in both word choice and photo choice. And New Jersey's Republican governor ...
The New York Times lets Obama play tough in a front-page story, but skips the attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which the Washington Post fronts. From the Times: "The president was not happy; ...
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, twin citadels of political civility? The New York Times: "In the 45-minute speech, Mr. Clinton paid tribute to a spirit of
bipartisan political cooperation that he ...
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, citadels of political civility? The New York Times: "In the 45-minute speech, Mr. Clinton paid tribute to a spirit of
bipartisan political cooperation that he ...
The Times again covers Obama's left-flank, this time on his weakening of welfare reform: "Mr. Clinton could help blunt what Obama campaign officials say is a calculated effort by Mr. Romney to ...
For Obama, the Times makes the best of bad economic news: "The president then pivoted to longer-term economic trends, which
he said have deepened inequality and put at risk the future of the ...
Mark Landler whose reporting on Obama is getting more gushy as the election nears, shone his journalistic flashlight on any slivers
of good economic news he could find and suggested they would ...
New York Times reporter Mark Landler: "What the Supreme Court’s decision does do is preserve Mr.
Obama’s status as the president who did more to expand the nation’s
safety net than any since ...