
Jim Cramer: Gold Going to $2,000

CNBC host contends precious metal is not in a bubble and the fundamentals are in place for value to skyrocket.

Cramer: 'Mass Panic' in Markets Tomorrow After 'Shocker' GDP Released

'Mad Money' host predicts a paltry 0.5 percent growth or less in upcoming report from Commerce Department.

Econ 101: Health Care Reform

The market needs less government inefficiency not more to improve the system and lower health care costs.

MSNBC Contributor and Former Dem Politico to Obama: Get It Together

Former Rep. Harold Ford says Obama tracking poll/stock market analogy false; administration must 'lay out a set of rules and follow through.'

'Early Show' Expert Blasts Obama Economic Proposals

Peter Morici advises Obama to use markets as a 'sounding ground.'

Liberal Financier Soros Blames Consumption for U.S. Crisis

Billionaire left-wing donor also says Fed chairman 'a little slow' reacting to crisis, calls Treasury Secretary 'market fundamentalist.'

'Today' Sends Mixed Signals on Markets

NBC co-host makes Great Depression comparison while CNBC contributors caution against panic.

Trade Secrets

Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market
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