
Media Research Center

Profiles of Pro-Gun, Anti-Gun Advocates in NYTimes: Same Page, But Very Different Treatment

The New York Times teased on the front page two profiles of prominent figures in the gun control debate, "bombastic" conservative David Keene and compassionate liberal New York City Mayor ...
Media Research Center

New York Times' Helene Cooper: Choose Between 2nd Amendment Rights or 'Kids [Being] Safe' at School

New York Times White House reporter Helene Cooper: "And if killing, you know, twenty 5- to 10-year-olds doesn't do it for this country, then than means the other conversation we should be ...
Media Research Center

NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come

The Times aggressively promoted Democrats exploiting the massacre to push for gun control legislation. "Democrats seemed to be hoping to seize on the momentum from the shooting, in which 20 ...
Media Research Center

New York Times' Massacre Coverage Permeated With Calls for Gun Control

The New York Times wasted no time in politicizing Friday's massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Calls for legislation permeating the paper's weekend coverage of the ...

At Official End of Iraq War, Times Performs Front-Page Psychoanalysis of Haditha 'Massacre'

Newly discovered documents let the Times revisit, and psychoanalyze, what it has long touted as a massacre of innocent civilians: "Haditha became a defining moment of the war, helping cement an ...

CNN Targets Gun Web Sites

Following college murders, reporter goes after company that has 'shocking' connection to two big shootings.

Media to U.S.: Lose the Guns, Get Sophisticated

Journalists bemoan American 'gun culture,' ignoring facts and common sense in their dramatic attempts at persuasion.

Media Blame Businesses in the Wake of Tech Tragedy

Gun makers and sellers vilified for gunman's rampage.
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