Matt Damon
5/5/2015 8:00 AM ET
The not-so-green habits of Hollywood gasbags
10/23/2014 1:43 PM ET
‘Incorporated’ series will be ‘thriller set in a world where corporations have seemingly unlimited power.’
4/22/2014 6:59 AM ET
These Hollywood hotshots talk big about saving the planet but consume and live more extravagantly than most.
7/8/2013 3:57 PM ET
News reports give platform to artists, celebs and anti-drilling documentaries in 50 percent of reports.
2/21/2013 4:27 PM ET
Set in 2159, only the richest can inhabit space colony ‘Elysium,’ while poor ‘rot in their own filth’ on Earth.
1/22/2013 4:31 PM ET
Oil-nation-funded film villainizing natural gas industry earns
half what it cost to make.
1/9/2013 11:11 AM ET
Damon claims he wants to start conversation, but movie depicts gas company employees as liars.
12/19/2012 10:58 AM ET
Reporter from Soros-funded NPR StateImpact confuses fact and Hollywood fiction.