On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pressed Sarah Palin on
whether the Republican nominee should pick a vice presidential running
mate with more experience than she had in 2008. Palin ...
In an interview with House Speaker John Boehner aired on Wednesday's NBC
Today, co-host Matt Lauer depicted the November election as a futile
effort for the GOP: "[The economy] does put some ...
Responding on Tuesday to NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer wondering if Tim
Tebow would be the "right fit" for the New York Jets, advertising
executive Donny Deutsch predicted the faithful ...
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow
spun the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare as being a judgment of how
partisan the high court has become: "...this may as ...
Sinking to a new low in their disdain for Dick Cheney, the hosts on
Monday's NBC Today wondered if the former vice president should have
received a recent heart transplant, with Ann Curry ...
Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, but if the media were the judges, the Court would rule 9-0 in favor of it.
On Tuesday, following Rick Santorum's call for politicians, like
President Obama, to stop relying on Teleprompters for their public
remarks, NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer allowed a liberal ...
The three network morning shows on Friday continued a left-wing attack
on Rush Limbaugh, railing at the "ugly turn" the conservative radio host
took when he "eviscerated" an activist college ...
Following condemnation of Rush Limbaugh's "crude tirade"
against left-wing activist Sandra Fluke on Thursday's NBC Nightly News,
on Friday's Today, co-host Matt Lauer gave Fluke a platform to ...
While interviewing actor Ed Helms about his role in 'Dr. Seuss' The
Lorax' On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer seemed puzzled that
anyone would question the environmentalist message of ...