Talking to MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough on Thursday's NBC Today about the Ukranian crisis, co-host Matt Lauer saw the Republican Party, not Russia, as President Obama's fiercest ...
On Monday, the hosts of NBC's Today invited left-wing New York
City Mayor Bill de Blasio to perform a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the
newly-renovated plaza outside Rockefeller Center's Studio ...
Journalists who found reasons to avoid covering questionable conduct when it emanated from the Obama administration now pounce on a scandal involving employees of New Jersey Governor Chris ...
During a live interview with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer suggested that criticism of President Obama in
Gates's new memoir was endangering ...
ABC, CBS, and NBC ballyhooed former Defense Secretary Robert Gates's attacks on President Obama and other high government officials on their Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning newscasts. NBC's ...
Former Today co-hosts Bryant Gumbel and Jane Pauley shared in the NBC
anchoring duties on Monday’s Today, and Gumbel naturally returned to
Republican-bashing form. In a 7:30 am segment on the ...
While interviewing openly gay U.S. women's hockey team player Caitlin Cahow on Thursday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer hoped for controversy during the games over Russia's
"anti-gay laws": ...
All three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning covered the "major blow" a judge delivered by ruling that the National Security Agency's massive data collection is likely unconstitutional. ...