
NBC's Lauer to Cheney: You're the 'Most Divisive Political Figure in This Country in a Century'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer began a hostile interview with Dick Cheney by running through various derisive labels for the former Vice President: "You've been called 'controversial' ...

NBC Brings On Hurricane Hypers to Deny Hyping Irene

On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer introduced a panel discussion on whether media coverage of Hurricane Irene was overdone by proclaiming: "Was this storm over-hyped? In some ways, it's a ...

NBC's Lauer Blames Continuing High Unemployment on Employer 'Discrimination'

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer teased an upcoming segment on unemployment by fretting: "And just ahead, help not wanted. If you're one of the 14 million Americans looking for work, ...

NBC Frets Over Tea Party's 'In-Your-Face Tactics' and 'The Politics of Anger'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared: "In your face. The Tea Party puts its confrontational style on display during a stop on President Obama's bus tour." Later, chief ...

NBC's Today Wonders: How Can Obama 'Regain the Magic of 2008?'

During an interview with former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer wondered: "How does the President get this excitement going again surrounding his ...

NBC Pushes Obama from Left, Worries Liberals Are Growing 'Angry' and 'Impatient'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared: "President Obama faces new criticism from members of his own party, is he doing enough to manage the [economic] crisis?...Should ...

NBC Hosts Fret Obama Had to 'Give In' to GOP With 'Not Balanced' Debt Deal

In an interview with White House advisor David Plouffe on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer worried about liberals being unhappy with the proposal deal on the debt ceiling: "So did the ...

NBC's 'Today' Touts 'Big Setback' for Boehner Plan, Lauer Lobs Softballs to Dick Durbin

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, as co-host Ann Curry declared that "Americans are just fed up with the stalemate" over the debt ceiling, fellow co-host Matt Lauer announced: "The latest ...
Media Research Center

MRC Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Cast GOP as Debt Ceiling Villains

By a Three-to-One Margin, Network News Stories Say Republicans Deserve More Blame than Democrats for Debt Impasse

NBC: Maybe 'Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction' Will Bring House GOP in Line on Debt Ceiling

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd lamented no deal being reached on the debt ceiling and solely blamed House Republicans: "Nobody has a plan that can ...
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