Media Bias Debate

Media Research Center

Nothing to See Here: CNN's Toobin Denies Media Bias In Gosnell Blackout

On Friday's Anderson Cooper 360, hours after CNN finally covered the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell for the first time in weeks, CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin scoffed at the notion ...
Media Research Center

CNN Barely Mentioned Gosnell Trial for Weeks; Spent 45 Times More Coverage on Brad Paisley-LL Cool J Song

From the beginning of the Kermit Gosnell trial on March 18 until April 12, CNN devoted exactly 24 seconds to the the former abortionist's clinic of horrors. In contrast, the network spent over ...
Media Research Center

CNN Panel Whitewashes Media Bias on Gay Marriage; 'In the Middle'

Sunday's Reliable Sources was absurdly generous to the media for their coverage of the same-sex marriage debate. Gay activist John Aravosis ridiculously claimed that the press is "in the middle" ...
Media Research Center

CNN Catches Obama's Falsehood on Sequester; Networks Barely Report It

CNN's Dana Bash fact-checked President Obama's falsehood about the sequester on Friday, but the major networks didn't exactly follow CNN's lead in reporting his blatant distortion. In his ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper to Receive GLAAD's 'Vito Russo Award'

CNN has a special relationship with the advocacy group Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), and it continues as prime-time host Anderson Cooper will be honored at the ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Lemon Insists Gun Rant 'Wasn't Advocacy,' Compares Gay Rights to Civil Rights

After calling for getting "guns and bullets and automatic weapons off the streets" after the Newtown shooting, CNN's Don Lemon insisted to the Dallas Voice that it "wasn't advocacy" and he was ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Sits Around and Tells Race Jokes On the Air

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry had her panel guests tell their "favorite race joke" or "best punch line" on race on her Sunday show and laughter ranged between nervous and uproarious. ...
Media Research Center

Blind Spot? Howard Kurtz Rips Coverage of Rubio's 'Watergate' But Ignores CNN's Stunt

CNN media critic Howard Kurtz ripped the press infatuation with Sen. Marco Rubio's water sip as "profoundly depressing," but on Sunday's Reliable Sources he wouldn't call out his own network's ...
Media Research Center

On CNN, Howard Kurtz Hits Media's 'Romance' with Hillary Clinton

CNN's media critic Howard Kurtz focused on the "romance" between the media and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on Sunday's Reliable Sources. "[T]hings were so lovey-dovey, it almost ...
Media Research Center

Pants on Fire? Despite Media Outcry, Romney's 'Lie of the Year' Was True

Even though the Romney campaign correctly said that Obama sold Chrysler to Fiat which would be making Jeeps in China instead of America, the media disparaged that case with PolitiFact going so ...
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