
Networks Not Lovin McDonalds Efforts

New commercial with a healthy focus draws fire from morning shows.

For London Socialist, Taxes are the Answer

AP omits Red from Livingstones resume in coverage of his worldwide tax proposal.

FX Looks Left to Peak at Oil

Energy apocalypse is one big worst-case scenario

ABC Helps Officials Beef About Their Own Statistics

World News Tonight weighs in on the side of the Centers for Disease Control about obesity.

Media Neglect Support for Personal Accounts

Why are the media ignoring 450 economists in favor of personal accounts, including 5 Nobel Prize winners?

Network Doomsday Warnings Run Out of Gas

Gasoline prices actually fell during the week leading up to Memorial Day, but broadcasters reminded drivers of record highs.

Article Treats Wal-Mart Critics as Labor Experts

Media confuse the housing issue by comparing real estate to the stock market and stoking fears of a national bust.

Bubble, Boom or Bust?

Media confuse the housing issue by comparing real estate to the stock market and stoking fears of a national bust.

NBC Fuels Gas Price Hysteria

Network blames the president for high gas prices and emphasizes government regulation and taxes over free-market solutions.

News Coverage Skews View of Social Security Reform

Networks deliver liberal talking points and then the media wonders why support for personal accounts isnt stronger.
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