
'World News' Cites Anti-Corporate Flicks in Banking Report

Segment includes populist angle bashing wealthy lifestyles, quotes 'Bonfire of the Vanities' and 'Wall Street.'

ABC Highlights 'Shameful Chapter' of CEO Excess; Ignores Government Role

'Good Morning America' criticizes 'hardly the soup kitchen' lifestyles of Lehman, Bear Stearns CEOs; skips Fannie, Freddie CEOs.

'Nightly News' Jabs McCain's Tech-Savvy

NBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell ignores McCain's work on Senate Commerce committee in segment similar to a recent Obama ad.

Schieffer: McCain Campaign 'Demeaning to Women' Because No Palin Press Conferences

CBS 'Face the Nation' anchor and presidential debate moderator criticizes evolution of blogs and their effect on media business, citing Palin pregnancy rumors.

ABC Highlights 'Anything but Helpful' Government Healthcare 'Mess'

'Good Morning America' reports on faulty Medicare hotline.

Networks Link Global Warming to Hurricanes

ABC, NBC connect recent storms to man-made CO2 emissions.

The NYT Tackles US Weekly's "Scandalous" Cover Story on Sarah Palin

A focus on liberal bias: "The celebrity magazine, which usually focuses more on Britney and baby bumps than elections, drew criticism from readers for the cover. A record number of commenters on ...

Times Media Columnist Saw Journalistic Contempt for Palin at RNC

Mark Leibovich dismisses Republican arguments about liberal media bias as a campaign tactic, while media columnist David Carr takes them to heart.

No More Mr. Nice McCain: Advisor a Rove Acolyte Spreading "False," "Fierce Attacks"

"[Steve Schmidt's] stamp was reflected in the sharp tone of the scathing prime-time speeches, all of which Mr. Schmidt reviewed and approved, and some of which were criticized as stretching the ...

CBS Gives Downbeat Spin of Bush Economy

'Evening News' cites 'economy in shambles' as stain on presidential record.
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