
Income Reports Authors Tilted Left, but Media Didnt Note It

Liberal leanings of studys think tanks dont merit consideration or balance from most media.

ABCs Lisa Stark Goes After Oil Profits

Reporter portrays an oil tax advocate as consumer champion.

In Depth Report on Detroits Woes Skirts Heavy Union Costs

NBCs Thompson skipped the millions spent on paying laid-off UAW members.

Newscasts Overlook Fords Costly Severance Programs

Searching for reasons behind layoffs, reporters skip $140 million paid yearly to former employees.

CNNs Dobbs Blames Free Trade, Non-Union Labor for Fords Woes

But foreign cars produced in the U.S. are largely made in union-friendly states.

Major Newspapers Ignore Low Jobless Numbers

Papers that hyped five-year high inflation ignored economists citing a strong job market.

CNN Spends 2005 Telling People Theyre Going Backwards

Despite monthly wage increases, network says inflation is destroying the middle class.

USA Today, Washington Post Repeat Inflation Concerns

But big story in 2005 was how economy weathered energy prices, says economist.

Pension Promises: the Death of the American Dream?

As companies face the reality of their financial obligations, a new day of personal responsibility is dawning for the little old schmo and the media are worried.

Networks Do a Poor Job with Unemployment Coverage

Labor coverage evokes a depression, but its more depressing than reality.
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