
Apples and Oranges: Media Wrongly Equate Galveston Pension Plan with Bushs Social Security Reform

Journalists are dismissing the idea of personal Social Security accounts by twisting the facts about a private pension plan in Texas.

ABC Manufactures Anti-Cookie, Anti-Free Market Story

If youre eating the Girl Scouts Thin Mints, beware: the food police watching.

TIME Embraces Bad Economics That Blame America for World Poverty

By giving one economist its recent cover story, TIME failed to look critically at demands for more government spending abroad and the reality of how much the U.S. already gives in foreign aid.

ABC Uses Old Interview for One-Sided Trade Story

ABCs World News Tonight offered up a painfully one-sided view of U.S. trade in its March 11 broadcast.

Media Continue to Attack Drug Companies with Misinformation

Reporters rely on fuzzy math to misrepresent massive R&D spending in the pharmaceutical industry.

60 Minutes Describes Video Game as a Killer Application

CBS sets its sights on Grand Theft Auto for a broadcast beatdown that promoted another multi-million-dollar lawsuit.

NYT/CBS Numbers Show Support for Bush on Social Security

Broadcasters are pointing to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll as evidence that Bush has no support for changing Social Security.

ABC Promotes Times Pact with Left-Wing Advocacy Group

The Eye On America segment took a look at teens hooked on tanning and, instead, spied a doctor campaigning against the whole idea of tanning.

CBS Backs Nanny State Ban on Teen Tanning

CBS Evening News tried to shine some light on the tanning industry last night, but ended up simply showing their anti-business bias.

Supporter: Kyotos greatest value is symbolic

Despite the Washington Posts skewed reporting on climate change, it let slip a major point: that the treaty is feel-good legislation designed to tax the industrialized world to fund development in ...
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