
At 'Landmark' Summit an 'Exasperated' Obama Succeeded in Proving GOP 'Party of No'

"The President often seemed exasperated with Republican arguments," CBS's Chip Reid empathetically conveyed in reporting on Thursday's health care summit before he declared Obama had succeeded: ...

ABC Pushes Obama's Insurance Demonization; Couric Asserts Summit 'Much-Anticipated'

On Wednesday night Diane Sawyer again put ABC into service for the liberal spin machine the night before President Obama's health summit, teasing: "Big insurance executives forced to answer why ...

Olbermann: ObamaCare Opponents 'Killing 45,000 People/Year,' 'Who Are the Terrorists?'

Keith Olbermann turned his attention to Neal Boortz - whom he called a "hate radio host" and referred to as being "dehumanized" - and others who oppose the implementation of ObamaCare, accusing ...

ABC's Sawyer Touts Robert Byrd's Dedication to 'Health Care Champion' Kennedy

On Thursday's World News, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer took the time to devote an entire story to 92-year-old Democratic Senator Robert Byrd's health bill vote, which he dedicated to the late Ted ...

ABC's Roberts: People Will Be Thrilled by Health Bill Once They 'Understand' It, Hails Reid

"There's a lot in" the health care bill "lot of people are going to like a whole lot once they see what's in it," ABC News veteran Cokie Roberts contended on Sunday's This Week as she blamed ...

Gibson Empathizes with Obama: 'Holy God, What a Weight that Is on Your Shoulders'

In his swan song interview with President Barack Obama, which consumed more than ten minutes of World News, ABC's Charles Gibson couldn't have provided a friendlier or more empathetic platform to ...

CBS Relays Liberal Anger 'Their Agenda is Being Hijacked by a Few'

CBS's Nancy Cordes expressed exasperation at how a few Senators have "successfully blocked the public option even though the other 55 Democrats support it...leading some liberals to complain their ...

Gibson Reaches Back to Teddy Roosevelt to Tout 'Universal Health' as Closer Than Ever

"In 1912, almost a hundred years ago," ABC's Charles Gibson trumpeted, "Teddy Roosevelt called for universal health care. It now may be closer than at any time since then." Katie Couric championed ...

Flustered CBS: Baucus' ObamaCare 'Would Reduce the Deficit,' Yet 'Republicans Still Oppose It'

The Senate Finance Committee's ObamaCare bill will spend $829 billion, but CBS Evening News Maggie Rodriquez trumpeted how "according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget ...

Chris Matthews: Joe Wilson 'Wrong' But Would Be 'Absurd' for Alan Grayson to Apologize

It would be "absurd" for Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (D) to apologize for insisting recently that Republicans stand behind a health care "holocaust," MSNBC's Chris Matthews argued on Thursday's ...
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