
NBC Portrays Herman Cain's Presidential Run as Money-Making Scheme

On Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer noted Herman Cain leading the Republican presidential field but wondered: "is he really aiming for the Oval Office or something else?" In the report that ...

NBC's Isikoff Warns Cain's 9-9-9 Plan May Mean 'More Pain' for 'Struggling Families'

On Saturday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Michael Isikoff filed a report recounting criticisms of GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan, as Isikoff asserted that "critics see ...

NBC the Most Excited by Palin's E-Mail, Yet Fails to Dig Up Any 'Bombshells'

Much of the media made fools of themselves with their excited obsession over the release of Sarah Palin's e-mails, but NBC went the furthest, sending reporters to Juneau as the network uniquely ...

NBC Predicts 'Tough Day' for Palin with Release of E-Mail 'Political Minefield'

At the top of Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer declared that it "could be a tough day for potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin. We're live in Alaska, where thousands of her e-mails ...

NBC Welcomes Gingrich to 2012 Race By Playing Up 'Political Hurdle' of His 'Messy Personal Life'

Teasing a story on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich entering the presidential race at the top of Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Meredith Vieira proclaimed: "Political hurdle. Newt Gingrich ...

NBC and CBS Tout Prank Call on Gov. Walker as 'Evidence' He Wants to 'Crush Unions'

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Michael Isikoff claimed a prank phone call on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker "provided his critics with evidence that his real motivation is what ...

NBC Advances Democratic Agenda on 'Secret Money' from Rove's 'Network' that Means Return to 'Watergate, Wild West Days'

Thursday's NBC Nightly News led, yes led, with a lame attempt to advance the desperate Democratic spin about the "secret fortune" going into campaign ads leading to "a return to the days before ...

MSNBC's Wolffe Repeats Debunked Newsweek Claim of Koran Flushed Down Toilet by Guantanamo Interrogators

On Friday's Countdown show, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe, formerly with Newsweek, referred to the debunked story that was retracted by Newsweek in May 2005 which had incorrectly claimed ...
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