
Moore: Uninsured Dying Because They 'Hold American Instead of Canadian Passport'

Multi-millionaire socialist filmmaker writes check on-air to Olbermann's Astroturf clinic charity.

Michael Moore Warns Democrats 'In for an Ass-Whooping of Biblical Proportions in November'

Filmmaker castigates the party in power for not getting health care done and pleads with them to 'do something.'

Michael Moore: 250,000 Killed in Haiti Because It's an Unregulated 'Republican's Paradise'

Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore, appearing on Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO to plug the DVD release of his Capitalism: A Love Story screed, cited the 250,000 killed in Haiti, ...

Cultural Winners and Losers, 2009

It was a great year for "Up" and other animated movies. It was not a great year for "Bruno" or Michael Moore.

NBC's 'Today' Includes Michael Moore as Expert to Attack Wall Street

Morning show continues media attack on bankers and bonuses with propagandist filmmaker.

Larry King to Michael Moore: 'You are Our #1 Propagandist'

CNN's Larry King fawned over Michael Moore during an hour-long interview on his program on Wednesday, calling the leftist's latest feature "a brilliant documentary," and went on to label the ...

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

ABC Raves Over Michael Moore's 'Deeply Christian' New Movie; Lauds 'American Populist'

In less than 24 hours, ABC devoted 13 minutes to rhapsodizing over liberal Michael Moore's new, "deeply Christian" film, Capitalism: A Love Story. Featuring the director first on Tuesday's ...

Michael Moore Calls Capitalism 'Legalized Greed'; Serenades Leno Audience

Liberal documentary filmmaker equates democracy with equality and fairness to justify criticism of the wealthy having more.

Yawn: Michael Moore Takes up Tired Task of Bashing Wall Street

Documentary filmmaker and media darling slated to mock bailouts with upcoming film.
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