
Left-Wing Protests in Wisconsin: Full of High Hopes and 'Positive Energy' for 2012

Times reporters are determined to wring victory out of the defeat by public-sector unions in Wisconsin, celebrating the filibustering Democratic politicians returning as "folk heroes" and the ...

Gov. Walker Gave 'Big Gift' to WI Dems, Yet Controversial Obama-Care Passage Was 'Drawback' for G.O.P.?

The Times spun the defeat of public-sector unions in Wisconsin by Gov. Scott Walker as a long-term political victory for Democrats: Wisconsin Curbs Public Unions, But Democrats Predict Backlash" ...

Times Overdoes It on Huckabee-Obama 'Kenya' Flap, Truncates Quote

Reporter Michael Shear's initial story on the Obama-was-raised-in-Kenya controversy, "Huckabee Questions Obama's Birth Certificate," becomes the more accurate "Huckabee Talks, Incorrectly, Of ...

A Tale of Two Speeches: Angry, 'Accusatory' Palin Vs. Obama's 'Plea for Civility, Love and Compassion'

Michael Shear reveals a stark double standard in his treatment of Sarah Palin's self-defense compared to President Obama's address to the nation.

NY Times' Michael Shear: Only Conservatives Commit Crazy, Controversial Campaign Clunkers

A long New York Times story by reporter Michael Shear almost totally ignores Democratic campaign controversies but found at least 10 incidents worth mentioning on the Republican side, involving ...

Michael Shear: Only Conservatives Commit Crazy, Controversial Campaign Clunkers

A long nytimes.com story by Michael Shear almost ignores Democratic campaign controversies but found at least 10 incidents worth mentioning on the Republican side.

Times Watch Quotes of Note - The Tea Party's 'War on Competence and Professionalism'

Plus: Frank Rich on the "useful idiots" of the GOP, and the non-partisan warnings of Obama the Wise.

The Tea Party's 'War on Competence and Professionalism'

Plus: Frank Rich on the Useful Idiots of the GOP

Go to Vegas, Meet Obama, Don't Mention Obama Criticizes Blowing Cash in Vegas

Reporter Michael Shear sounded pretty excited in his blog post about an Obama fundraising trip to Las Vegas: "Democratic Contest: Go to Vegas, Meet Obama." But Shear left out that Obama chided ...

Palin Still Knee-Jerk Source of Mirth for Liberal Times Reporters

"Was it a Sarah Palin moment? Christine O'Donnell, the Republican Senate candidate in Delaware, stumbled during the debate tonight when asked for a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that she ...
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