
Year Before Truth Emerged, NYT Reports Vindicated Atlanta School Leader in Cheating Scandal

The Times, on top of the big stories. Lead sentence to its August 10, 2010 report vindicating the Atlanta school system: "The Atlanta public school system was substantially vindicated Monday when ...

More Dreamy News Section Fawning Over the Dream Act

Education columnist Michael Winerip lauds a Dream Act activist, just the latest in a long history of support for the liberal legislation, that would provide amnesty for illegal students: "Isabel ...

Surprise: Times Runs Cover Article in Support of R.O.T.C.

Reporter Michael Winerip questions the reasoning behind the Ivy League's 1960s, antiwar-era ban on the military's Reserve Officers Training Corp.

Times Honors Medal of Honor Winner Michael Murphy

Michael Winerip interviewed Murphy's parents: "His parents said they never worried whether Michael the boy could take care of himself, but they did fear he was a little too altruistic for his own ...

Homosexual Agenda Gets Two-fer in Sunday New York Times

Coming out is to be praised, as is attending the world's largest lesbian party.
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