
The U.S. Needs Milton Friedman More than Ever

Famous economist who offered innovative economic ideas based on free enterprise and liberty would have turned 98 this week.

What Did Milton Friedman Ever Do to Ginia Bellafante?

The TV critic accuses a PBS series host of being "in thrall to the Chicago School's free-market philosophy" and blasts the "collaboration between the dictator Augusto Pinochet and Milton Friedman ...

Econ 101: That Old-Time Keynesian Theory

Nobel winner Krugman advocates consumption approach, but other prize winners disagree.

Econ 101: Spike in Money Supply Caused Inflation

Media oversimplify problem, rely too much on consumer price index.

CNBC Anchor Ask Obama Advisor 'What Would Milton (Friedman) Do?'

Obama advisor who teaches where Friedman one taught attempts to defend raising taxes on 'Squawk Box.'

TV Critic Thinks Nazism Just "Extreme Capitalism"

Huh? "As 'Lost' bloggers have noted, the publicist, Karen Decker, shares her surname with a Nazi propagandist, Will Decker. It is one of the show's many pleasures that it revels in such ...

Unemployment, Mortgage Woes? It's All Milton Friedman's Fault

Economics reporter Peter Goodman: "Joblessness is growing. Millions of homes are sliding into foreclosure. The financial system continues to choke on the toxic leftovers of the mortgage crisis. ...

Times Says Free Market a False Idol

Simplistic liberalism in the news pages: "For more than a quarter-century, the dominant idea guiding economic policy in the United States and much of the globe has been that the market is ...

A Stranger in Libertarian Land

A libertarian response to a NYT reviewer's criticism of a book on the movement's history: "...a review in a newspaper that still to this day proudly touts the Pulitzer Prize it received in 1932 ...

Bellafante Bashes Milton Friedman's "Free-Market Absolutism," Sees Downside to End of Military Draft

Strange, strained criticism of towering economist Milton Friedman: "Though Mr. Friedman's free-choice doctrine contributed to ending the draft in the 1970s, the film takes virtually no note of the ...
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