Mitt Romney

Media Research Center

Networks Showcase Newsweek’s Romney ‘Wimp Factor’ Cover

CBS couldn't resist Newsweek's Romney “Wimp Factor” cover. “I just got a copy of the Newsweek cover that’s going to be hitting the newsstands tomorrow that calls you a ‘wimp,’” reporter Jan ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Romney: 'Are You Proud of the Campaign You're Running so Far?'

In a live interview with Mitt and Ann Romney on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over the "very negative" presidential race and wondered: "Are you proud of the campaign you're ...
Media Research Center

CNN Refutes CNN's Claim That Romney Is In Hot Water Overseas

CNN hyped Mitt Romney's "rocky start" to his London trip, casting his concern for the security at the London Olympics as a PR flap. However, British CNN host Piers Morgan shot down that ...
Media Research Center

CBS Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' Remarks; Invokes 'It Takes A Village'

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and John Dickerson shamelessly defended the President Obama's "you didn't build that" comments on business. Rose asserted, "If you look at the full ...
Media Research Center

NBC Wonders If Romney Overseas Trip 'A Week Lost' In the Campaign

Talking to special correspondent Tom Brokaw about Mitt Romney's 10-day international tour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie suggested the effort was a mistake: "Is it a smart ...
Media Research Center

ABC Indignantly Chides Romney's U.K. Trip: Advisers Question President's 'Heritage'

ABC kicked off Mitt Romney's visit to London, Thursday, by hyping "controversial" comments from the candidate's advisers. A Good Morning America graphic adopted the worst possible interpretation ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Interrogates Romney on Tax Returns, Suggests Public Wonders: 'Is There a Year Where He Paid No Taxes?'

In an interview with Mitt Romney in London on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams grilled the Republican candidate about releasing more tax returns: "People hear he's not going ...
Media Research Center

CBS Bemoans Negative Campaign, But Lets David Axelrod Unload on Romney

During an interview of Obama senior campaign adviser David Axelrod on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Erica Hill bewailed the negative tone of the presidential campaign, hinting ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Touts 'Likeability Gap' in Favor of Obama in New Poll He Admits is 'A Little Democratic Heavy'

Debuting the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, political director Chuck Todd concluded that campaign "hits seem to be taking a greater toll on Romney" and ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Dismisses Romney VFW Reception: It's a 'Very Conservative' Group

Minutes after Mitt Romney addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Tuesday, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell appeared on MSNBC to downplay the GOP candidate's positive ...
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