
Will Media Remember Praising Al Awlaki the 'Moderate?'

'Bridge-builder' was Washington Post's favorite imam.

Media Highlight Wanted Terrorist Al Awlaki, Forget They Called Him 'Moderate'

Media called recent U.S. target a bridge-builder pre-9/11.

New York Times Buries Muslim Brotherhood Connection to Hamas

The Gray Lady hides the truth about the militant Egyptian group.

Speak No Evil: Networks Obscure Deadly Extremism of Muslim Brotherhood

Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.

John Stewart's 'Million Moderate March' was Not Very Moderate

Protest signs blasted Tea-Tards, Fox News Channel, Sarah Palin

Flashback: Media that Praises Ground Zero Mosque Same Ones that Called Virginia Terrorist Mosque 'Moderate'

Washington Post even gave Al Qaeda cleric 'religious advice column' during tenure as Virginia imam.

Using "Moderates" to Spank Conservatives

Study: Networks Stress Moderate Republicans, Not Centrist Democrats Who Think Liberals Go Too Far

Media Advise GOP to Dump Conservatives

Jeffords Is a "Man of Principle" and a "Profile in Courage," but Conservatives Likened to Wife Beaters
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