
Brokaw and Buffett: The Rich Don't Pay Enough

World's third-richest man insists he and other wealthy people aren't paying their fair share when it comes to taxes.

What Happens to Companies That 'Go Green'

Mutual fund manager explains why consumers, shareholders and business leaders should be skeptical of global warming regulation lobbying and 'market-based' solutions.

When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

Hillary's Social Security Solution: Stop Funding 'Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and the War in Iraq'

Democratic presidential candidate Clinton already proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts to fund her health care proposal.

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

Bad Company III: Executive Summary

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

They May Be Sexy, but Dirty Businessmen Return to Prime Time

New fall shows continue the trend of twisted, troubled, unethical businessmen as characters.

Obama's $85-Billion 'Tax Cuts' Really a Massive Tax Hike

Liberal Democratic presidential hopeful proposes class-warfare tax policy to fight 'middle class squeeze.'

CBS Shines Rare Light on Frivolous Government Spending

'Evening News' airs unusual story about where federal tax dollars are being spent, showing government excess and congressional favoritism.

Read Hillary's Lips: 'No New Bureaucracy'

The return of 'HillaryCare' leaves many questions unanswered, while journalists paint her plan as an innovative, mature solution.
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