Columnist Nicholas Kristof takes his paranoia all the way: "Screeds against Catholics from the 19th century sounded just like the invective today against the Not-at-Ground-Zero Mosque....we should ...
Don't call it a mosque: "Proposed Islamic community center" leading to anti-Muslim bigotry, says Laurie Goodstein: "The clergy members said that those responsible for a poisoned climate included ...
After spending a month assuring readers that most sophisticated New Yorkers are just fine with building a mosque near Ground Zero, the New York Times conducts its own poll and finds New Yorkers ...
Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein is not taking public opposition to the Ground Zero mosque very well, labeling it straight-up red state bigotry: "[Muslims] said they were scared not as much for ...
After spending a month assuring readers that most sophisticated New Yorkers support building a mosque near Ground Zero, the Times conducts its own poll and finds New Yorkers are just as opposed to ...
A Muslim cab driver is stabbed by a volunteer for a pro-mosque interfaith group, so the Times editorial page naturally blames the anti-mosque mob: "Already New Yorkers have seen a troubled young ...
Clyde Haberman attacked "the multisided anger over the proposed Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, a struggle that may or may not have influenced a man charged on ...
Reporter Damien Cave finds someone besides the terrorists to blame for a hypothetical act of future Islamic terrorism: "An Islamic group in England has also incorporated his efforts into a YouTube ...