MRC 25th Anniversary

Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2002

Today, the worst bias of 2002: Bill Moyers gets the vapors after Republicans win control of Congress; ABC’s Barbara Walters champions Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s dedication to “freedom;” and ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2001

Today, the worst bias of 2001, including shocking displays of moral equivalence after 9/11 and Dan Rather’s salute to Bill Clinton’s honesty.
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 2000

Today, the worst bias of 2000: Amid the custody battle over 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez, Newsweek touts life under the Castro dictatorship (“The boy will nestle again in a more peaceable society ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1999

Today, the worst bias of 1999, including Eleanor Clift likening the House Republican impeachment managers to the KKK (“all they were missing was the white sheets!”), and Katie Couric ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1998

The worst bias of 1998: Journalists disparage Ken Starr for investigating Bill Clinton's tawdry scandals, while an ex-Time magazine correspondent reveals the depth of her appreciation for ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1997

Today, the worst bias of 1997: Fawning over Bill Clinton as a candidate for Mt. Rushmore; impugning conservative Senator Jesse Helms as a “terrorist;” and a classic New York Times headline: ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1996

The worst bias of 1996: Implicating Republicans in the burning of black churches; seeking prayers for children in the wake of welfare reform; and admiration for the environmental terrorist ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1995

Today, the worst bias of 1995, when Time magazine blamed the Oklahoma City bombing on “hot talk on the radio” even as NPR’s Nina Totenberg wished one of Jesse Helms’ grandchildren would get ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1994

The worst bias of 1994. Highlights include ABC’s Peter Jennings calling voters “two-year-olds” for electing a Republican Congress (“the voters had a temper tantrum last week”), and a USA Today ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1993

Among our 1993 bias highlights: the Washington Post smears Christian conservatives as "poor, uneducated and easy to command," Dan Rather fawns over Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Helen Thomas ...
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