MSNBC Admits: 'Unable to Verify' False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology

On Friday, MSNBC News Live anchor David Shuster admitted that his cable network had been "unable to verify" the false quotes he and others attributed to Rush Limbaugh. However, he did not ...

Author Can't Verify Anti-Limbaugh Quotes, So Huffington Post Pulls Them Down

In 2006, Huffington Post writer Jack Huberman disseminated quotes allegedly from Rush Limbaugh declaring sympathy for slavery and Martin Luther King's assassin. The quotes were widely cited as ...

Newsweek's Fineman Invokes Rahm on Health Care: Obama Not Making Use of 'Crisis Mode'

'Countdown' host Keith Olbermann suggests Congress threaten to strip insurers of antitrust exemption as punitive solution to push reform.

Flashback: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Touted False Limbaugh Quote in June

On the June 3, 2009 Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow cited a false quote attributed to Rush Limbaugh in which the radio host supposedly said he wanted to award Martin Luther King ...

Olbermann: Without 'Fascistic Hatred,' Malkin Is Just a 'Mashed-Up Bag of Meat with Lipstick'

On Tuesday's Countdown show, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann spewed bile at conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, accusing her of possessing "fascistic hatred," and comparing her to a "mashed-up bag ...
Media Research Center

Exhibit 2-21: Trust and Satisfaction with the National Media (2009)

The Sacred Heart University Polling Institute released its 2009 survey on "Trust and Satisfaction with the National News Media."

MSNBC Contributor: Rush Limbaugh Would 'Love to Say He Owns a Plantation Full of Black Men'

MSNBC contributor Touré on Wednesday continued the network's vitriolic, slanderous attacks on Rush Limbaugh. Discussing the radio host's bid to buy the St. Louis Rams, the cable commentator ...
Media Research Center

Exhibit 2-19: Pew Study Finds Media Credibility Plummets

A major biennial news consumption survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released on August 17, 2008 found that "virtually every news organization or program has seen its ...
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