Media Research Center

MSNBC: Israeli PM 'Agitating for War,' But 'Moderate' Iranian Prez 'Not a Hardliner'

On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, Chris Hayes accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of making himself into a "cartoon" by "tirelessly agitating for war" and "oppos[ing] peace," as the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Disgusting Attack; Hoping Grateful Americans Forgive Obama’s Health Care Lie

MSNBC daytime host Martin Bashir apologizes after a vicious and disgusting verbal attack on Sarah Palin, and the NBC/MSNBC crowd go into overdrive to protect President Obama from his lie about ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe Lauds Hillary's 'Monumental Effort' to Fix Bush's 'Mess'

On Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe credited Hillary Clinton with a "monumental effort" in "recovering from" the Bush administration's ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe: Ted Cruz 'Inflaming' 'Fringe' Who Are 'Racist'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of "encouraging, inflaming and yes, flirting" with "fringe elements" who are "very ugly" and ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Tucker: GOP 'Pandered to' 'Bigots,' 'Racists', 'Homophobes'

Appearing as a guest on Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, syndicated columnist Cynthia Tucker charged that Republicans "pandered" to "bigot" and "homophobes" in the 2004 presidential election, and ...
Media Research Center

Comedian Rips into MSNBC; Calls Sharpton ‘Pig,’ ‘A**hole’

Jim Norton, on HuffPostLive, attacks liberal hypocrisy on race and political correctness.
Media Research Center

MSNBC: GOPers Opposing ObamaCare Are Like Hurricane Katrina

Appearing as a guest on Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry asserted that Republican opposition to ObamaCare was "creating a faulty levee system in our health care" as she tried ...
Media Research Center

What They Said Before the Train Wreck: The Top 10 Worst Quotes Pushing ObamaCare

While the liberal media may finally be admitting the obvious -- that the ObamaCare rollout has been an “embarrassing,” “botched” failure that has thrown millions off their insurance -- that’s not ...
Media Research Center

Confederacy of Dunces: MSNBC Still Fighting Civil War

Lefty network paints all opposition to Obama’s Washington in rebel gray.
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Taylor: 'Bozo Caucus' Republicans 'Fanning the Flames of Hatred and Bigotry'

On the Thursday, November 14, PoliticsNation, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor asserted that Republicans who are pushing Attorney General Eric Holder's impeachment are a "Bozo caucus" who are ...
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