Media Research Center

Movie Mad Matthews: Dick Cheney Packed Liz Into 'Missile' to 'Continue the 'Life Form' in Wyoming

During an angry rant over the announcement that Liz Cheney will be running for the United States senate in 2014, Chris Matthews offered up one of his typically bizarre movie reference to explain ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Reid Charges Pro-Gun Groups 'Almost Creating a Wild West Atmosphere'

On the Tuesday, July 16, PoliticsNation, MSNBC contributor Joy Reid complained that pro-gun groups like the ALEC and the NRA are "almost creating a Wild West atmosphere" to protect gun owners. ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Spews Abortion Propaganda in Friendly Chat With Planned Parenthood President

In a softball exchange with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards on her Wednesday 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell recited one liberal talking point after another to ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Dyson Complains Zimmerman Has Become 'Icon' and 'Patron Saint of the Right Wing'

On Monday's All In with Chris Hayes, MSNBC political analyst Michael Eric Dyson, a sociology professor at Georgetown University, declared that George Zimmerman has become a "patron saint of the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Host Loses It: 'I Want to Challenge This Network' to Implement 'I Am Other' Agenda

On his 11 a.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Thomas Roberts condemned America's current social contract as being "so wrong," launching into an angry rant about the supposed persecution of ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Toure on Zimmerman: 'We Still Live in the Same America That Emmett Till Lived in'

According to MSNBC co-host Toure, the acquittal of George Zimmerman on Saturday is proof that America in 2013 is just like the one of 1955 where an African American boy was murdered in Mississippi ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Bloom Complains Prosecutors Did Not 'Have the Guts to Talk About Race'

On Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Bloom complained that prosecutors did not "have the guts" to make an issue of race in trying to convict George Zimmerman. She began: "They ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Reins In Guest Who Calls for Riots if Zimmerman Acquitted

On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes took exception with one of his guests, attorney Seema Iyer, who proclaimed that "there should be" riots if George Zimmerman were acquitted. The ...
Media Research Center

Supreme Bias: Nets Slam Overturning of Liberal Law, Applaud “Historic” Rejection of Defense of Marriage

Exposing their liberal sympathies, the media howl with outrage one day at a Supreme Court case that voids one section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as out of date, then gleefully celebrate the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Sees Republicans 'Really Embrac[ing] Not Caring About the Poor'

On Thursday's All In show, as Chris Hayes complained about the vote by House Republicans to separate the food stamp program from the farm bill, the MSNBC host accused GOPers of taking the action ...
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