Media Research Center

Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC, Others Decline to Show Charlie Hebdo Cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Mohammad (UPDATED)

Following the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Paris on Wednesday, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC joined other news outlets in not showing any of the controversial cartoons of the Islamic ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Equates Jerry Falwell Suing Hustler to Paris Attack

On Wednesday's Now With Alex Wagner on MSNBC, Eric Bates raised the specter of censorship by Christian conservatives during a panel discussion on the past Muslim backlash against Charlie Hebdo ...
Media Research Center

Journalist on MSNBC: In Europe, 'Extreme Right' Exacerbates Conflict With Muslims

On the day that 12 people were murdered after publishing satirical cartoons about Islam, Daily Beast foreign editor Christopher Dickey on Wednesday fretted about how the "extreme ...
Media Research Center

Al Sharpton's Magical Mystery Tour

That “magic” surrounding Al Sharpton is the liberal media’s absolute shamelessness about Sharpton’s cynical exploitation of (and lying about) race.
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz Cheers Obama's Veto Threat, Forgets His Own Support for Keystone

Liberal MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz on Tuesday cheered Barack Obama's veto threat for the Keystone XL pipeline. However, the cable host failed to mention his own previous support for construction. ...
Media Research Center

Ezra Klein Predicts: Strong Economy Means Hillary Would 'Carry 42 States'

Journalist Ezra Klein on Monday pronounced that if economic conditions continue, Hillary Clinton will win "42 states" in 2016. The former Washington Post columnist, now the editor at, ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: NYC Mayor de Blasio’s Been Subject to ‘Brutal Attacks’ by NY Police Union

During his MSNBC show All In on Monday, Chris Hayes put up his best defense of far-left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio against criticism from NYPD officers and their union, lamenting that de ...
Media Research Center

A Republican Hosts 'Hardball,' Still Bashes GOP on Race

Is there a requirement for Republicans to host a show on MSNBC? Trash the GOP and you can anchor a program? Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Monday lectured his ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz: Cuba Move is Obama's 'Tear Down This Wall, Mr. Castro' Moment

Ed Schultz one-upped colleague Chuck Todd on his MSNBC program on Wednesday. Hours after Todd likened President Obama's policy announcement on Cuba to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Schultz ...
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