Minutes after Barack Obama came out for gay marriage, Wednesday, Chris
Matthews appeared on MSNBC to compare opponents of such unions to
"wolves" and to link them to supporters of slavery. ...
MSNBC on Thursday again featured Ron Reagan to trade on the legacy of
his father, trashing the Republican Party as a "haven for bigots." The
liberal son of the former president appeared ...
On Monday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, as host Ed Schultz and MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe - formerly of Newsweek - discussed Mitt Romney's crack on President Obama that even President Carter ...
What a difference three months makes: During the primaries, the media cast Mitt Romney as the GOP's "moderate" voice of reason, but now that he's up against Barack Obama, he's a "hard right, ...
MSNBC's Chris Jansing on Wednesday didn't exactly press Jimmy Carter as
she interviewed the ex-President, wondering if Mitt Romney has "gone too
far" with conservatism "to be trusted." Carter ...
Jodi Kantor sees validity in the Dems' "War on Women" slogan in an exchange on lefty MSNBC: "...it sort of seems like a Democratic strategist's dream, right?
Like they were sitting in a room ...
An unhinged Chris Matthews on Monday excoriated Republican primary
voters as racist, deriding them as the "Grand Wizard crowd." Former
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael ...
Apparently Hardball anchor Chris Matthews doesn't watch his own network. On Wednesday, the liberal cable host piously proclaimed that liberals would never compare a conservative to a dictator such ...
MSNBC's Martin Bashir, who previously compared Rick Santorum to genocidal murderer Joseph Stalin,
on Wednesday mocked the concept that MSNBC could be biased against
Republicans. A network ...