On Thursday's Hardball, Chris Matthews told top McCain '08 aide Steve Schmidt, "We were all rooting for you, by the way. And a lot of us in this business like John McCain a lot."
During an appearance on Morning Joe, Tuesday, Newsweek editor Tina Brown made an off-hand remark about Barack Obama, conceding that the politician "wasn't ready" to be President. Brown has ...
While running through his usual litany of attacks on anti-Obama conservatives, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday included the National Rifle Association as part of the "crazy far-right" who "hate" ...
On Wednesday's Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews trashed Rick Perry, accusing him of calling Barack Obama "pro-Nazi." Matthews attacked the Republican presidential candidate for claiming that ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Friday again berated the 2012 Republican field, decrying them for pandering to "the lowest common denominator in a way that doom conservatives to make gains next year in ...
Chris Matthews on Thursday delighted in slamming "ignorant" Republicans and their hostility for anyone "who's even slightly an intellectual." Matthews began a segment on the Republican Party's ...
Salon columnist Joe Conason appeared on Monday's Hardball to excoriate former Vice President Dick Cheney: "...You would almost think that Cheney was actually an agent of the nation's enemies..." ...
MSNBC analyst- and 9/11 truther- Touré appeared on Friday's Dylan Ratigan Show to complain about the September 11th "nostalgia mill" promoted by the media. He also smeared the entire country as ...
On Friday, another Morning Joe host went out on a limb and confidently predicted the political demise of Rick Perry. Discussing the Republican presidential candidate's positions on Social ...