8/15/2011 3:59 PM ET
Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism
3/27/2008 7:01 AM ET
Raines warns 'our civil life depends' on keeping newspaper safe from out-performing, Wall Street Journal
7/6/2007 12:05 PM ET
Media mogul considered not capable of maintaining the Wall Street Journal as 'independent' and 'high-quality.'
6/14/2007 3:59 PM ET
Columbia Journalism Review doesn't believe News Corp.'s Murdoch would maintain the 'credibility' of Wall Street Journal.
6/13/2007 3:28 PM ET
Reporters and editors continue to oppose Journal bid from 'predatory capitalist' Murdoch.
6/6/2007 2:41 PM ET
News media up in arms at prospect of media mogul owning Wall Street Journal and Fox News.