
ClimateGate 1 Year Later: Networks Barely Cover Scandal, But Defend and 'Exonerate' Accused Scientists

Climate controversy shook public's faith in global warming science, but not network news media's. Reporters downplayed allegations, defended the science and turned accused into victims.

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal

Even as Copenhagen looms, broadcast news ignores e-mails suggesting warming alarmists 'manipulated' data, conspired to destroy information and thwarted peer reviews.

Media Myth: Networks Ignore Trillion-Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill

Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.

CBS Cheers Governator's Plan to Terminate Global Warming

But no critics of the regulation or global warming science were included in reporter Blackstone's story.
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