Nancy Giles

Media Research Center

Flashback: 15 Times the Media Politicized Hurricane Katrina

Ten years ago this week, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and it wasn’t long after the devastation that liberal reporters, hosts and columnists politicized the tragedy - from the left. ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Giles Complains ObamaCare Fiasco Over-Covered by Media

On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, during a discussion of what stories were over-covered or under-covered by the media in 2013, CBS contributor Nancy Giles griped that the HealthCare.Gov glitches ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Republicans Sabotaged Healthcare.Gov'

On Wednesday's All In on MSNBC, during a discussion of how to deal with conservative relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, host Chris Hayes at one point seemed to claim that Republicans "sabotaged" ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Nancy Giles Insists There is a GOP 'War on Women'

Appearing as a panel member on the Saturday, July 21, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, liberal CBS contributor Nancy Giles complained about Republican efforts to discourage abortion, and ...
Media Research Center

A Rush to Ruin

Democrats inside and outside the Obama White House have declared a Public Enemy Number One, and it isn’t some vague concept like Poverty or Terrorism or Cancer. It’s a radio talk show host named ...
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