
On Day of Michelle Obama Garden Photo-Op, CBS Trumpets: 'One Thing That is Already Growing' is Her 'Popularity'

ABC and NBC on Wednesday night managed to contain to a brief item their enthusiasm for First Lady Michelle Obama planting her garden for the season, but not CBS which dedicated a full story to how ...

CBS's Rodriguez: Dems 'Rescued' ObamaCare From 'Death's Door'

Introducing a report on passage of the ObamaCare reconciliation bill on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez referred to a couple upcoming rescue stories on the show and cheerfully ...

Nets Not So Excited About Violence and Threats Aimed at ObamaCare Opponents

An evening after all three broadcast network newscasts led by advancing the Democratic narrative of violent ObamaCare critics, a storyline intended to discredit conservatives as all gratuitously ...

CBS: Health Care Debate 'Gets Ugly,' GOP Using 'Violent Rhetoric and Imagery'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "The health care debate gets ugly as Democrats who voted for reform report violence and death threats." In a report ...

Nets Lead with 'Ugly' and 'Menacing' ObamaCare Opponents Fueled by Palin's 'Violent Words and Imagery'

Sounding more like MSNBC's Countdown than impartial newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night by legitimizing Democratic talking points meant to discredit critics of the just-passed ...

CBS 'Early Show' Touts 'Historic Victory' of ObamaCare

At the top of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed the passage of ObamaCare: "A major victory for President Obama as House Democrats work late into the night to pass health care ...

CBS Continues to Recite ObamaCare Talking Points; Dems Praise Reporting

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "After more than a year of debate, Democrats say they're on the verge of passing historic health care legislation." And touted the ...

CBS as 'Giddy' as Democrats Over 'Certified Price Tag' from 'Trusted' CBO

"Democrats used the word 'giddy' to describe their reaction when they got the cost estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)," NBC's Kelly O'Donnell relayed Thursday night, ...

ABC and CBS Pass Along Sympathetic Anecdotes from Left-Wing Anti-Insurance Protest

ABC and CBS on Tuesday night picked up on the cause of a small anti-health insurance industry protest in DC organized by left-wing labor groups, but instead of denigrating them as the networks did ...

What's Couric Drinking? She Raises Hypocritical Stands By Obama and Pelosi

What is Katie Couric drinking these days? Who has taken over her body? The CBS Evening News anchor on Wednesday night cited hypocritical positions or actions taken by President Barack Obama ...
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