
CBS 'Early Show' Ignores Astronaut Criticism of Obama's Space Program Cuts

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in news reader Betty Nguyen reported on President Obama's new plan to cut back America's space program, but failed to mention sharp criticism by astronauts Neil ...

CNN Smears CEI with False Funding Info

Jim Acosta misreports that ExxonMobil gives money to conservative policy group.

Famed Hurricane Forecaster William Gray Rips AMS, NASA's Hansen

Expert criticizes American Meteorological Society for awarding global warming alarmist the organization's highest honor.

Former Hansen Supervisor Calls for the Global Warming Alarmist's Dismissal

Retired NASA atmospheric scientist John Theon tells ICCC that Hatch Act is grounds for media darling's firing.

'Good Morning America's' Expert Blames Heat Wave on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stanford professor says carbon dioxide and methane 'we've added' are making it hotter; climatologist refutes that assertion.

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.

New NASA Temperature Data Yet Another Reason to Re-Assess Global Warming Scare

Faulty data abounds in the foundational arguments of climate change zealots.

ABC Attacks NASA Skeptic with 'Incensed' Scientists

But 'World News' segment left out liberal leanings of both scientists, and the reporter.

The Weather Channel's 'One Degree' of Propaganda

Web site advances global warming activism including 'causes' and 'solutions.'

ABC Reheats Leftover Bias on Global Warming, Showcases Hansen

Global warming skeptics, critics of NASA's Hansen left out in the cold; Hansen's 'political inclinations' lean heavily left.
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