Media Research Center

NBA Star Charles Barkley Criticizes Media Coverage of Ferguson

Barkley: 'the media love race stories.'
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz: GOP Not Raising the Minimum Wage Is 'Every Bit as Racist' as Donald Sterling

MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Wednesday found a way to connect conservatives to NBA owner Donald Sterling's racist rant. Talking about Republicans in Congress, he sneered, "Not raising the wage, the ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Asks, PBS Ponders: ‘What About Homophobic NBA Owners?’

After Sterling, let the witch hunt begin.
Media Research Center

Nets Devote 146 Minutes to Racist NBA Owner, Skimp on Bad News for Obama

When network journalists decide a story is important, they make sure it dominates the airwaves. Over the course of three and a half days, ABC, CBS and NBC vigorously investigated a racist rant by ...
Media Research Center

In 36 Hours, Nets Devote 70 Minutes to Racist NBA Owner; No Mention of Democratic Donations

In just over 36 hours, the three network morning and evening shows have already devoted 70 minutes of coverage to racist comments apparently made by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling. ...
Media Research Center

Dems Hold 'Closed-Door Discussion' with NFL, NBA, NHL to Promote Climate Change Agenda

NFL, baseball and others asked what they are 'doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.'
Media Research Center

David Carr, Who Called Midwesterners "Low-Sloping Foreheads," Cries Racism Over Lin Headline

Veteran media reporter David Carr declared an unfortunate ESPN headline slurring the ethnicity of the Knicks' Jeremy Lin as one of myriad “underlying racist tropes that still lurk in the id of ...

LeBronomics: Could High Taxes Influence James' Team Decision?

NBA superstar free agent would pay over $12 million in New York income taxes, none in Miami

Charles Barkley Predicts 'Reverse Bradley Effect'

Former NBA star says race will play role on Election Day, but thinks some may look beyond because Obama presidency benefits them economically.

Meeting Anita Hill in the Sports Section

Only liberals find sexual harassment lawsuits inspiring: "Browne Sanders inspires many by winning a lawsuit."
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