NBC Nightly News

Housing: NBC Goes Negative, While ABC Offers Balance

"Nightly News" continues trend of blaming housing woes for just about everything, while "World News" finds a business opportunity.

NBC Gets Back to the Garden to Stop Global Warming

'Nightly News' report glosses over costs to taxpayers and bashes other crop yields for the urban green thumb cause.

NBC Hypes Credit Problems as Fuel for Dow Sell-off

Economist Lawrence Kudlow contends credit problems are not as 'widespread' as reported and profits will solve these credit problems.

Bottled Water Bash: Networks Continue Assault

ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN attack Pepsico for allegedly deceiving the public.

Don't Inhale -- Obesity's Contagious!

Media take obesity study seriously, worry that extra pounds are 'spreading' 'like a virus.'

NBC: 'Green' Vehicles the Key to Detroit's Rebirth

'Nightly News' makes the case an enviro-friendly business plan could be exactly what auto manufacturers need.

Dow's Flirt with 14,000 Barely Noticed by Media

While other networks ignore big Wall Street news, NBC admits that a soaring Dow benefits a 'majority of Americans.'

NBC Fears for Bald Eagle Despite Population Increase

'Nightly News' cites expert who worries that 'new DDT' of urban sprawl will wipe out eagles.
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