Media Research Center

NBC Piles on Santorum, Claims He Wants to 'Reignite the Culture Wars in America'

On Sunday, NBC's David Gregory spent much of Meet the Press blasting Rick Santorum for criticizing President Obama's "phony theology" of liberalism. Earlier that morning, he appeared on the ...
Media Research Center

Bashing "Terrifying" Rick Santorum: "More Like Stalin than Pope Innocent III"

The media slash at Rick Santorum, declaring his social conservatism "terrifying," like "a crazy man talking," with MSNBC's Martin Bashir sneering that Santorum "sounds more like Stalin than Pope ...
Media Research Center

NBC Slams GOP for 'Unfortunate Image' of Religious Freedom Hearing 'Dominated by Men'

On Friday's NBC Today, substitute co-host Savannah Guthrie eagerly touted liberal talking points attacking a hearing held by House Republicans over the controversial ObamaCare ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Romney 'Scrambles' to Explain Why He Wanted to Let Auto Companies 'Fail'

Leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams spun hard for the Obama administration as he distorted Mitt Romney's opposition to the government bailout of the auto industry: ...
Media Research Center

Big Three Spin Religious Liberty Scandal as Political 'Firestorm'

MRC analysts studied all 36 stories, interviews and mentions of the HHS mandate story on the Big Three networks from January 30 through February 15. Out of the 91 talking heads who appeared on ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Trump: How Do Republicans 'Run Against a Recovering Economy?'

Seeing little hope for Republican chances against Obama in November on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer put this question to Donald Trump: "Isn't any Republican nominee going to have a ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Medical Editor 'Sick' Over 'Guns and Violence' in Santorum Ad

On Thursday's NBC Today, chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman scolded Rick Santorum for a recent humorous campaign ad that depicted Mitt Romney firing a mud-filled paint ball gun at a ...
Media Research Center

NBC Pushed High Gas Prices Under Bush, Now Worried They Would 'Crush' Economy Under Obama

At the top of Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams pleaded: "Why now? In a tight economy with so many Americans living on the financial edge, why are they being asked to pay so ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Republicans 'Quick to Lash Out' at Obama Budget

In an attempt to frame Republican opposition to the President's 2013 budget proposal as merely political posturing, NBC Today co-host Ann Curry announced to viewers on Tuesday: "President Obama ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Dismisses Santorum Concerns Over Obama Second Term

In a hostile interview with Rick Santorum on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory attempted to paint the Republican presidential candidate as some kind of paranoid conspiracy ...
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