Media Research Center

"Intransigent" Republicans vs. "Just Perfect" Obama

Vol. 24, No. 25

NBC Sets Up Obama to Run Against 'Do-Nothing Congress,' Lumps in 1995 GOP Congress

Friday's NBC Nightly News ran a report touting the prospect that President Obama could portray the current Congress as a "Do-Nothing Congress," based primarily on the number of bills passed rather ...

NBC's Chuck Todd Declares: Obama Would 'Love' to Debate GOP on Foreign Policy

On Friday's NBC Today, following a sound bite of President Obama attacking Republicans for using the word "appeasement" to describe his foreign policy, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...

ABC and CBS Skip Label of Jon Corzine as Democrat

As the three broadcast network evening newscasts on Thursday reported former New Jersey Democratic Senator Jon Corzine's testimony before Congress on the billion dollars in investor money that ...

ABC, NBC Omit Blagojevich's Party ID; CBS: Is Sentence 'Too High'?

ABC, NBC, and CBS all reported on former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich receiving a 14-year prison sentence for corruption on their evening news programs on Wednesday and their morning shows on ...

NBC and CBS Frame 'Morning-After' Pill Decision as 'Politics' vs. 'Science'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams fretted: "The Obama administration blocks a plan to make the 'morning-after' pill more easily available to young girls. Is this ...

NBC's Lauer to Dan Quayle: Wasn't Romney 'Wrong' and Obama 'Right' on Auto Bailout?

In an interview with former Vice President Dan Quayle on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pushed Quayle to admit that Mitt Romney was wrong to oppose Obama's auto bailout: "[He] said, 'You ...

CBS Gives Blagojevich's Party ID in Sentencing Preview; ABC, NBC Punt

The Big Three network morning shows on Wednesday highlighted the upcoming sentencing of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, but only CBS's Early Show identified the disgraced politician as a ...

NBC: Obama Casting Himself As 'Protector' of 'Middle Class Under Republican Assault'

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd promoted the President's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas calling for an extension of payroll tax cuts as "the Obama version ...

NBC's Ann Curry to Obama Advisor: How Has the President 'Inspired Hope'?

In an interview with Obama campaign advisor Robert Gibbs on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry teed up the President's former press secretary with this softball: "In 2008, the President ...
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