Labeling Contrast: Beck a 'Controversial Conservative,' Al Sharpton Just an 'Activist'

Just like NBC and ABC, CBS's Early Show had a hostile take Friday morning on Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally. All three networks labeled Beck as "conservative," with CBS calling him a ...

ABC, CBS: Did 'Heightened Fear and Prejudice' of Ground Zero Mosque Prompt NYC Violence?

ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Thursday both speculated as to whether the stabbing of a New York City cabbie was prompted by a climate of anti-Islamic anger. At the same time, ...

Networks Skim Over White House Oil Claim: 'Vast Majority' of Spill is Gone

Obama administration claims roughly 75 percent of the oil had been removed, networks air few stories disputing that assertion.

NBC Chief Jeff Zucker Open to Political Run, Bringing Couric Back to NBC

Network head tells 'Morning Joe,' he won't rule out political future for him or a return to NBC for former 'Today' co-host.

The Real Moderate Islam: Media Ignore Muslim Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Mosque critics Miss USA, Zhudi Jasser and Al-Arabiya director disregarded by networks.

Olbermann Uses Words of U.S. Soldier to Bolster Anti-War Agenda, Ignores Soldier's Support for Iraq Mission

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used a clip of a U.S. soldier, stationed in Iraq, commenting on how he had previously felt that the war in Iraq "wasn't ever going to stop," ...

Networks Still MIA on Ground Zero Mosque Funding, Radical Ties

In wake of Obama's mosque support, networks say opposition stems from 'Islamophobia' and disrespect for Constitution

CBS 'Early Show' Ignores Accusations of Bias Against Judge Behind Prop 8 Ruling

While Thursday reports on both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today featured Proposition 8 supporters questioning the impartiality of California Federal Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to ...
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