Big Government vs. Good Government

President-elect's push to delay digital TV conversion shows he lacks faith in mandates.

Obama Stimulus: $1 Trillion, 600,000 Government Jobs and Few Media Questions

With a forecasted $1 trillion deficit for the foreseeable future, mainstream media hit and miss on just how much government will expand under current proposals.

Another Recession Indicator: NBC Blames Drop in Medical Services on Economy

'Nightly News' correlates fewer prescriptions and drop in doctor's appointments with beleaguered economy.

A Tale of Two Tax Cuts: Obama's Will Save Economy, Bush's for the 'Wealthiest'

'Nightly News' considers tax cuts an integral part of the Obama 'massive economic recovery plan,' ignores how rollback of Bush tax cuts would affect economy.

Pumped Up Predictions

Network warnings of ever higher gas and oil prices leave out a key point they are usually wrong

Pumped Up Predictions: Executive Summary

Network warnings of ever higher gas and oil prices leave out a key point they are usually wrong

'Nightly News' Pushes Auto Bailout in Madoff Scandal Coverage

CNBC correspondent Trish Regan points out alleged Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme is 'twice the amount of money the auto companies are asking Congress for.'

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2008

BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.

NBC Finds Libraries 'Popular,' but Suffering from Economy

'Nightly News' segment laments government cuts for library funding, includes a man crying over library closure.

Nets Attack Vitamin Supplements After Study Casts Doubt on Disease Prevention

CBS, NBC question the benefits of vitamin supplements for disease prevention, but ignore the positive nutritional aspects.
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