Babies Raising Babies

NBC responds to the rising teen birth rate with a show that uses children, infants through teens, as human guinea pigs.

ABC, CBS Journalists Celebrate Acceptance of All Religions as Path to Salvation

Theologically informed commentators on CBS and NBC, however, point out the down side of a Pew poll's finding that 70% of Americans believe their faith is not the only way to God.

Newsweek: Anti-Drilling Obama 'More in Touch with Voters' on Energy

Fineman cites poll findings: Obama ahead of McCain by 14 percent on 'energy,' but other polls show a majority of Americans favor drilling offshore and in ANWR.

NBC's Today Showcases Edgy Singer Rihanna

Kathie Lee Gifford called Rihanna an absolute doll. What about the sexually suggestive songs she performed before an audience peppered with children?

NBC's Gregory: Knowledge of Journalist Votes Would Compromise Reporting

White House correspondent says media expansion, including talk radio, has had a 'corrosive' effect on political discourse.

Media Claim Ed McMahon Victim of 'Subprime Mess'

Journalists link foreclosure to economy instead of from his own admitted blunders.

NBC Blames 'Speculators' for Higher Commodity Prices

'Nightly News' segment ignores vital function futures markets serve in free-market economy.

Is Obama Off the Hook?

The man is out of Jeremiah Wright's radical church. Is the church out of the man? Inquiring media minds don't want to know.

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

The Great Media Depression: Executive Summary

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash
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