Media Research Center

Slam Dunk! Soros Funds 3 Out of 4 Final Four Schools

Only University of Kentucky skipped as part of billionaire’s massive funding of higher ed.
Media Research Center

ESPN Host Claims ‘Double Standard’ for Female NCAA Coaches

Demands to know why U of Iowa has fired women coaches.
Media Research Center

NBC Covers UNC Academic Fraud Scandal, Yet Skipped Academically Fraudulent Democratic Senator

Throughout the entire plagiarism scandal involving Democratic Senator John Walsh (Mont.), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have combined for only one story in the form of a news brief ...

CBS Early Show Calls on Obama to Make Tough Decisions...On His NCAA Picks

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, news reader Jeff Glor declared: "President Obama is ready for March Madness, it appears. He broke out the brackets at the White House yesterday and made his picks in ...

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Spins for Obama on NCAA Picks: 'The Schedule Is the Schedule'

MSNBC's Chuck Todd on Thursday fretted over the blame Barack Obama is enduring for making televised NCAA picks during the ongoing crises in Libya and Japan. After gushing over the President's ...
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