
The Dede Media

The Republicans are in a "civil war," on a "disastrous turn toward extremism." But when Democrats embraced hard-core leftists like Ned Lamont, it was an "opportunity" and revenge of the "moderates."

Endorsing "Basically Moderate" Ned Lamont for Senate

But just what is the anti-war, pro-abortion Lamont "moderate" on? The Times won't say.

Daily Kos: Less Radical Than Early National Review?

"Today, of course, National Review is widely read as a journal of the Republican establishment. But in its infancy it was regarded as extreme - far more radical than the bloggers most influential ...

Republican Have "Exploited Ruthlessly" Their Advantage on National Security

Nagourney cringes again at "ruthless" Republican rhetoric emanating from Republicans concerning the war on terror.

The Myth of Max Cleland, Redux

Has anyone at the Times actually watched the 2002 campaign ad that allegedly "paired" Max Cleland with Osama bin Laden?

Letting Liberal Ned Lamont off the Hook

The Times buries the lead in its story on the "Lieberman-in-blackface" blogger, and lets anti-war candidate Ned Lamont implausibly deny connections to her.
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