
Media Research Center

Laurie David: Girl Scouts Partnering with Nestle for Drink is ‘Immoral’

Liberal environmental movie maker ‘Fed Up’ with Girl Scouts’ relationship with food company.

'Evening News' Spouts Old Attack on Bottled Water, Endorses Regulation

One-sided CBS report prefers tap, showers scrutiny on plastic containers and leaves out industry reps.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

CBS Warns That 'Even One Bad Meal Can Hurt Your Body'

Network story on saturated fat is the media's latest entree in a menu of anti-fast food stories.

CNN Puts Food Police on Patrol in the Grocery Aisle

'American Morning' features anti-food industry Nestle as it scolds shoppers on processed foods.


Big Media Continue Skewing Obesity Debate (May-October 2004)


Big Medias Role In Covering And Promoting the Obesity Debate
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