
CNN Prescribes an End to Free Medicine Samples

In the Money crew fails to identify doctor as pro-socialized medicine, though he thinks the free market is what ails health care in America.

60 Minutes Has Visions of Waterworld

CBS reporter drowns out dissent in one-sided climate change piece.

Turning Japanese? The Post Sure Thinks So

Front page article lauds energy savings that have many freezing in their homes.

Diamond In the Rough

USA Today report on coal mining jobs breaks the medias negative mold on the industry.

From the Mouths of Babes... to the Pockets of Oil Execs

Times reporter pits oil profits against anti-poverty initiatives.

CNN Anchor Worries Ports Outsourced to Terrorists

Lou Dobbs Tonight hypes fear, excludes defenders of Arab port company

CNNs In the Money Continues Love Affair with Class Warfare

Host calls CEO pay mind-boggling; guest adds that its disgraceful.
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