New York State

Media Research Center

‘Extreme Conservative’ Hating NY Gov Goes Panhandling in Hollywood

Left-Coast entertainment moguls fund Cuomo’s radical agenda.
Media Research Center

Fracking Opponents May Have Run Afoul of Lobbying Rules

Artists Against Fracking fail to register as lobbying group with state of New York, could face fines.
Media Research Center

New York Times Loves Local Left-Wing Protests Against Guns and Fracking (Featuring Yoko Ono)

Oh, no, frackers, it's Yoko Ono: The New York Times made much of two tiny local liberal protests over the weekend, one at a New York State gun show, the other in the state capital protesting ...
Media Research Center

Bill Keller Hints Arguments Against Gay Marriage Are Just Arguments Against Gays in General

Former executive editor Bill Keller talks to Mike Long, head of the Conservative Party of New York State, and slants their conversation on gay marriage: "It is difficult to construct an argument ...
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