
CNN Barks up Wrong Tree on Oil Profits

Anchor chases fat cat executives, but free-market professor tugs on the leash.

Fox News Sheds Balance in Climate Change Special

Network links global warming to everything from diseases to shark sightings in one-sided documentary.

All the Benefits, None of the Costs

CBS looks at savings from solar power, ignoring all the expenses.

Media Wrong about Dollar

Whos Profiteering Now?

Congress and media push to punish oil companies despite the fact governments rake in more from oil taxes than oil companies earn in profits.

A Simple Plan?

Media buy into panels simplification of tax code, focusing on deductions scrapped and, like the panel, avoiding real reform.

Econ 101: The Role of the Courts in the Economy

To preserve a country where the rule of law guards private property rights, judges must focus on enforcing the laws that are written not on creating new policies.

Dobbs Takes Aim at Oil Companies

CNN touts claim that government assault on firms is a Robin Hood Tax.

Anti-Wal-Mart Movie Presses Forward

Media dwell on latest film by OutFoxed creator, downplay pro-company documentary..

According to the Media, Most Economic News is Bad News

Regardless of economic data, press accounts are typically negative and pessimistic
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