
Media Research Center

Another Nail In The Liberal Media's Coffin, the blog of the Media Research Center's (MRC) News Analysis Division, has passed the 1,000,000 “fans” milestone on Facebook. 

CNN's Rick Sanchez Goes After 'Cheap Shot' From NewsBusters

CNN's Rick Sanchez named MRC news analyst Matthew Balan and NewsBusters to "the very top" of his daily 'List That U Don't Want 2 Be On' on his Rick's List show on Monday. Sanchez criticized Balan ...

The Incredible Shrinking Joe Scarborough

On his radio show, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough claimed I've written "false articles" on him, as has our blog NewsBusters. He's delusional.

'Today' Trumpets Obama's Wall Street Lecturing

NBC shows little skepticism for President 'clamping down on corporate fat cats.'
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