On Monday's Newsroom, CNN's Kyra Phillips sympathetically interviewed a woman who unapologetically Tweeted her chemically-induced abortion as it happened. Instead of offering the pro-life ...
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanja Gupta pressed HHS Secretary Kathleen for price controls in all parts of the health care industry on Thursday's Newsroom. Gupta stated that insurance ...
CNN refreshingly called out President Obama on Friday's Newsroom concerning his false claim that "for the first time...you saw more people getting health care from government than you did from the ...
On Saturday's Newsroom, CNN's Don Lemon deferentially took President Obama's advice and interviewed a stimulus "skeptic" turned "believer," whom the Democrat cited as an example of the success of ...
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez fairly moderated a debate between glacier photographer James Balog and Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com on Thursday's Newsroom about the issue of climate change. Sanchez did ...
On Monday, CNN's Rick Sanchez claimed radio host Rush Limbaugh once said of slavery: "It had its merits," but offered no documentation. On Tuesday, Sanchez relayed Limbaugh's strong denial, but ...
On Thursday's 10am ET Newsroom, CNN sought to give "context" to Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's infamous "wise Latinas" remark. To rationalize and explain Sotomayor's ethnic argument, ...