On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, during a discussion of President Obama's failure to secure passage of the Dream Act in the Senate, after panel member Evan Thomas of Newsweek asserted that ...
In the November 22 issue of Newsweek magazine, Daniel Stone defended the Obama administration by blaming the institution of the presidency for failures rather than the chief executive himself: ...
On her webstie, The Daily Beast, on Thursday, editor-in-chief Tina Brown joyously announced the "wedding" of the left-leaning blog with the equally liberal Newsweek magazine: "Some weddings take ...
"We're so eager to promote ourselves with the smartest take on how President Obama and the Democrats got themselves in this pickle that we haven't done a good job explaining the stakes," ...
Magazine's contributor erroneously reports former U.N. ambassador John Bolton organizing Tea Party event near World Trade Center site to promote presidential run.
On Friday's Countdown show, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe, formerly with Newsweek, referred to the debunked story that was retracted by Newsweek in May 2005 which had incorrectly claimed ...